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空中乘务专业 是在世界民航大发展的背景下应运而生的。面向航空运输业的民航乘务员等职业群,培养理想信念坚定,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具有一定科学文化水平、良好的人文素养、职业道德和创新意识、精益求精的工匠精神、较强的就业能力和可持续发展能力,掌握空中乘务专业知识和技术技能,能够从事航空公司民航乘务员、民航安全员、航空公司和机场贵宾室服务人员、公务机服务保障工作人员、机场旅客服务人员工作的高素质技术技能人才。


     Our teachers are young and energetic, and have flight experience in such enterprises as Singapore Airlines, Capital Airlines and Tianjin Airlines. The core courses mainly include service etiquette, passenger cabin equipment and services, cabin safety and emergency response, cabin English, minority languages, civil aviation service communication, image design, flight attendant figure training, physical fitness training, aviation safety and security, civil aviation service psychology, medical knowledge and first aid, and air route geography. We also offer such on-campus practical training sessions as civil aviation cabin announcement, service etiquette, cabin service, cabin emergency response, and interview skills, and internships in airlines' cabin departments, security departments, aviation ground service companies, and other enterprises. In our institute, you can practice the basic skills with the aid of our training facilities and practical training rooms.There are cabin service training cabins, airport ground service training centers,language training rooms, figure training rooms, physical fitness training rooms, and image design rooms.
     With the rapid development of China's civil aviation industry, there is a great demand for flight attendants. Each flight attendant is required not only to provide heartwarming services for passengers during flight, but also to know civil aviation laws and regulations, know well the basic requirements of the work of a flight attendant, learn and master air transport expertise and cabin service skills, have knowledge about the performance and equipment use of the aircraft type and the response methods in emergencies, and how to properly judge and decisively cope with emergencies. Aside from solid professional knowledge, flight attendants must also have an alert mind, the ability to respond quickly, and the essential basic qualities and psychological qualities.